Meredith Andrews broke out in early 2008 with her debut CD, "The Invitaion," being acclaimed by many as the best new artist of the year and finding radio success with hits such as "Your Not Alone" and "You Invite Me In." Her pop/worship style and relating lyrics resonated with the fans she quickly aguired, and soon led to touring with artists such as Tod Agnew and Pocket Full of Rocks. Returning now two years later, will Meredith's sophomore effort "As Long As It Takes" continue her trend of creating worthwhile upbeat tunes, or will it fall to mediocrity like so many second attmepts do? Well, sort of both.
One of the best tracks here, "Never Move On," begins the disc on a fast-paced start, full of light worship guitars and a big chorus, this will put listeners in the right mood off the bat. The follow-up sounds scarily similar with more over-production and all-too familiar lyrics, "Only To Be Yours" is one of the those praise anthems that you feel like you've heard it before, or at least something like it. Maybe several? I would have to say that is the biggest problem with the CD, that while each song by itself may be good enough, as a whole, they all fade one into another and won't capture the listener due to it's sameness throughout the running time.
But that is not to say there isn't good material here. The lead single "Can Anybody Hear Me" and the mid-tempo title track are great examples of what she could look like with her next release, "As Long As It Takes" stating: I'm tired do I have to keep proving myself / I'm weary and drawing from an empty well / I need you more than I ever have / So Jesus come and shatter my darkness somehow. These sort of words are the type that draw the listener in, and they can relate to. Unfortunately, a large part of the album just doesn't get that far. While it may have a popular sound and a few arm-raising moments, what are people going actually to take away from the record? Personally I didn't find anything new.
Even though she has her good moments (Live Though Me and In Your Arms are top-notch tracks) this album falls short in the long run. Meredith is a very talented young singer, and I still have high hopes for later projects, but this one didn't hit the mark as far as writing and portraying a certain message to the hearer. If you like huge praise and worship anthems and you have nothing else new, this could be a welcome addition to your collection. But overall, if you like great sounding music with a depth and a clear portrayal of a message, I would wait for Tenth Avenue North's "The Light Meets the Dark," coming out in just a month. Her vocals are great, but she just needs to get some really good songs to put her one step above the rest of the new artists of the last few years. I think she has it in her, and I feel she might pull it off on her next try, but until then, I would say this CD just may not be worth your money. ~ Christian Lingner
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