Although it's only been a year and a half since their debut effort, aussie based band Revive is introducing their next project "Blink" this week, and to somewhat positive reviews overall. Backed by several major tours with label mates and friends Third Day, their unique praise rock feel helped them to a large fan base early on, and this album looks to continue that trend.
The first thing you'll notice when you begin to listen to this music is that something has changed. Their debut featured gritty guitar back-up and strong vocals, and while some of those elements remain to an extent, Revive's styling has moved to a more pop/rock feel. The title track is a slick made-for-radio piece, and gives us a good look at their new sound. With a rather unoriginal, but easy listening chorus, the band blends the worship of Fee with the down-to-earth lyrics of Tenth Avenue North and come out with probably exactly what they were looking for: a hit with a message.
The opener "Almost Missed This Moment" get's back to last year's style, but, again, forcuses on the idea of living in the moment and making the most of it. Later on we find the upbeat anthem "Love Found Me," it's positive and fun lyrics will have the whole house jamming in no time, while "We Were Meant to Be" is a great example of their talent and ability to create convicting and enjoyable songs at the same time.
So although this may not be an outstanding outing, Revive has a good sound and I hope to hear more from them in the future. And while they haven't made any apparent mistakes so far, this album still leaves a few questions in the air, and didn't hit me as anything ground-breaking. Even though I think they could have a successful career ahead of them, I'm still not convinced they are or are not the next best thing. ~ Christian Lingner
what? only a 3!? I give it a 10 out of 5!