An upbeat worship tune gets us kicked off with “Never Look Away,” featuring a nice chorus and big production that brings to mind bands like Rush of Fools and more recently, MIKESCHAIR. Next up comes the under-three-minute blast “You Are Love,” and although it was a fun enough ride, I’m still waiting for the lightweight beginning feel to wear down. The title track cools things off as they dive into a more mid-tempo and closer feel that continues into the second section in memorable fashion. In my opinion one of the, if not very best track here is the down-to-earth “Buy This,” sounding more like Brandon Heath than the poppy refrains that favored the first half. Later on there were some highlights in the almost too epic “Allelujah” and an easy listening “The Only One,” but I was still eager for the “wow” moment I was hoping for.
It really didn’t come. Not to say that this album was bad or anything, but there was never that fulfilling sense that you want to feel after a CD is done. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but there was something missing in there that I hope they find in the future. But even through all of that, this is an enjoyable debut compilation that looks to go far in the coming months, I just wish that next time around they’ll give us something more to chew on. ~ Christian Lingner
4 1/2 (5)
Great CD!