Starting with the short acoustic tune “Sing It,” Josh makes it apparent from the beginning that he is going to stick with his traditional straight forward lyrics and melodies. The lead single “I Refuse” comes up shortly after and to tell you the truth, this might be one of his very best so far. And there is a reason that I seem to say this with every project of that he releases. His way of being clear and direct (“Fall Apart”) but also including great metophors (“Forest Fire”) at the same time is a writing talent that I don’t see often in this industry.
While some of the tracks aren’t as good as others like any other album you’d hear, Josh always has a way of keeping you guessing the whole running time. From the fast-paced and cheerful “Know By Know” to the beautiful simplicity of his intrumental redition of the hymn “It is Well,” he scatters high points from top to bottow. “They Just Believe” is a nice worship anthem, and though a bit predictable, it’s still a good addition and fills out this twelve-song album.
So overall I’d say this is a good CD for any fan of his music or of Christian adult contemporary in general. It’s not highly emotional or original, but his messages are really what count here, and that makes it worth a listen on its own. ~ Christian Lingner
4/5 stars
Hey guys, I know it's been like three months , but I'm back and am hoping to post a lot more often! So come back soon and I'll have reviews on Brandon Heath, Luminate and hopefully some others.